Monday, April 30, 2012

Desperately Seeking Solutions

Over the last year and a half I have had 2 surgeries, 2 colonoscopies, countless doctors’ appointments and every blood test known to man with no answers or relief.  In this time period, the doctors have not been able to pinpoint the root problem with my intestinal tract.  Countless wasted hours and thousands of dollars on western medicine left me looking for an alternative solution.  I was desperate.  What started as an ulcer on my colon, ended with a 25lb weight gain, inability to eat without crippling stomach pain, severe lower back aches, outrageous irritability, abnormal woman issues, joint pain, acne, and depression.  Many days I barely made it out of my bed and if I did I was tired, irritable, and uncomfortable due to the pain.  My quality of life was poor, to say the least.    After a really shitty week (sorry there is no other word for it) filled with exhaustion, arguments and pain, I realized I had to make a change immediately.

I sought out and received some great advice from friends which led me to pursue the alkaline diet.  For those of you unfamiliar with the concept here is a brief synopsis:

“An alkaline diet, also called an acid alkaline balance diet, is a diet which is approximately 80% alkaline producing and 20% acid producing. The theory behind this pH diet is that the pH produced by the food we eat should reflect the pH level of our bloodstream, which is approximately 7.36, and that if it does not, the pH of our bloodstream may be disrupted. Dr. Robert O. Young claims that health depends primarily on proper balance between an alkaline and acid environment - as when our bodies become too acidic, our bodies will take whatever action necessary to regulate the pH and the acid-alkaline balance of the blood. In this environment our bodies will begin to break down and show signs of disease including cancer, obesity, flu, skin disorders, osteoporosis, yeast overgrowth etc.”

For those of you who know me, you know I LOVE to cook and eat (mostly eat).  I’m a master at French Sauces and make the best Dutch Apple pie in the world! (Seriously)  To say this was going to be a challenge would be an understatement; No dairy, no meat, no sugar, no yeast, no fruit and no WINE (gasp). Thank God for desperation.  It can be extremely motivating!
I cleaned out my fridge and pantry, stocked up on vegetables and spices and dove in head first.   After only 11 days I feel AMAZING!  I have been pain and symptom free.  I have lost 14 pounds, my skin has cleared up, I’m energetic, happy and I have clarity of mind and spirit!

I’m sure to many of you this may seem like nonsense.  For me it made sense.  Our bodies are incredible machines.  These machines were designed to work efficiently to keep us nourished, energized, and fight off disease.  But much like a car, when you feed the engine with poor quality fuel time after time, it begins to breakdown.  It becomes sluggish; its lines are clogged with deposits and cannot perform to its full capacity.  Fast food, sugar, preservatives, unhealthy fats and GMO’s can take their toll on our delicate machines.  It made sense to move towards restoring my body to its healthy unaltered state.

I know it’s still early in the process and I have a lot to more to learn but I am soooo glad I gave it a shot.  I feel better than I have in over a year and I am looking forward to the possibilities.
Since this is now a HUGE part of my life I am going to be sharing bits and pieces of my journey. 

So if you are curious, keep your eyes peeled for educational articles, recipes and my recommendations/observations.

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